
Withthelatestupdate,thisfreeappfromLiinegivesyoumorenoisemakers,theabilitytocombinethemhoweveryoulike,andinter-appand ...,来自德国的团队Liine带来了一款容易上手的音乐制作App,它涵盖了音乐制作的所有工具,直观的操作界面即使是音乐迷都可以马上玩得飞起。Skram的产生离 ...,在幾個月前由Liine推出的Skram是個相當方便的作曲app,因為介面相當簡單,沒有作歌經驗的使用者們也可以很快上手,因此很快就大受好評。,Sk...

Meet Skram, the free iPad app full of patterns and synths

With the latest update, this free app from Liine gives you more noisemakers, the ability to combine them however you like, and inter-app and ...

Liine Skram:为现场打造的iOS 音乐制作App

来自德国的团队Liine 带来了一款容易上手的音乐制作App,它涵盖了音乐制作的所有工具,直观的操作界面即使是音乐迷都可以马上玩得飞起。 Skram 的产生离 ...

做電音超簡單,Skram app 限時免費下載中,還釋出新音色!

在幾個月前由 Liine 推出的Skram 是個相當方便的作曲app,因為介面相當簡單,沒有作歌經驗的使用者們也可以很快上手,因此很快就大受好評。

Skram ,行動的數位創作品質再升級

Skram 提供80 – 160 BPM 的範圍讓你進行創作,它的mixer 目前只能控制音量大小,但是他有很棒的調式選擇,像是基本的Major 和Minor 還有Dorian 及Mixolydian ...

SKRAM - Electronic Music Maker

Remembering SKRAM, which still works on iOS 12 but hasn't had an update for two years, which is a real shame because this had real potential ...

Making Sounds for Liine's Latest iPad App

Puremagnetik and Liine joined forces to create conceptually compelling, modular devices for their fun and intuitive Skram app.

Skram - Electronic Music Maker

This app lets you create electronic music jams on your earbuds, at the house party or in sync with other apps. Easy for first time musicians, inspiring for pros ...

Skram (@skramapp) X

Skram lets you create killer sounds, riffs and grooves on iPad.

Skram for iOS 免费下载

福布斯钦点舞台与录音室的终极全能麦克风LEWITT MTP W950. Skram for iOS 免费下载. 资源介绍:: Skram for iOS 免费下载; 添加日期:: 2016-07-31; 相关产品: ...

Skram App (@skramapp) · Instagram 照片和视频

31 位粉丝、已关注0 人、 2 篇帖子- Instagram 用户Skram App (@skramapp):“Skram lets you create killer sounds, riffs and grooves on iPad.”